Are you sitting comfortably
Get yourself a cuppa.. this a long one lol!
What to expect from our blog.. here’s a heads up from me, Michelle.
Being inspired to write a blog can be a task in itself, what to talk about and all that Jazz. But I personally love the idea of blogging, despite my fear and insecurities. Many of our couples have come to their pre-wedding consultations full of inspiration, about how they can have this and that… all of which I gained when working at a wedding magazine, as a wedding photographer and not to forget my own research. For me it seemed a shame, that I didn’t offer you, the reader the same level of excitement and inspiration.
Your part of our story too!
Always and forever!
I don’t want our blog to be all about us, I want it be a place where you can come and gather tips, inspiration and a place that I hope I can address those wedding fears. So, I’m just going to me! I’m no English degree student, and I do type as I speak. As I’m very chatty and go off in tangents, so be ready for my madness. There may be the odd typo, sometimes due to the fact I type fast from excitement, and that my trigger finger clicks the submit way to fast! DOH!
Don’t you find it funny how you can type something up and find that as soon as someone starts reading it you see the glaring mistakes. I do..! And if you do, well we’re not alone. I know many may read our blog and think why! How annoying... I can only apologise in advance, this is me! Nick on the other hand is different, and you will get a different type of blog from Nick, he’s much more of a deep thinker, whereas I’m verbal overload, with word blindness (after about 10 min of staring and typing). It’s not that I can’t be quiet, I guess I just feel compelled to express myself when I get excited. I think that explains that, so I’ll leave that there.
You may hear a ooo from me!!
I’ve always considered myself like a secret bridesmaid, I’m not wearing a bridesmaid dress, I’m behind the scenes helping and listening to all your ideas, offering suggestions along the way, before and during. I’ve been known to help a bride into her dress, and help with buttons when beautiful fingernails become redundant.
As much as I want you to read our blog with joy, I also want you to take in the beauty of the photographs we produce too. Which I hope will be where you give us the real Kudos! We’re artists, and you will find this is huge for an artist as we’re known for being more creative than academic. We’re not designed to be overly academic we’re here to translate the world visually. Soo, this is my apology in advance… just in case your shaking your head already! Shut up woman...! 😊
We’ve many ideas about the upcoming blogs and have offered a shout out to many suppliers were still in contact with. So, you will see some exciting and interesting reads coming up over the weeks and months.
Now enough about me, lets get down to the real aspect of why you’re here, and if you managed to read through the whole of that summary… Yes YOU! The reader... A bride & groom to be, you’ve passed test 1.. lol 😊
The real reason!
The cake… he he!! ;)
This is huge, I know you may be overwhelmed by this, that and the other. I know I was leading up to our wedding day. I was exhausted and would’ve been happy with fish and chips back home. (I was two steps from that believe me). So, the fact you’re here making life time choices is great.
Choosing your wedding suppliers, handing over your savings, or gifts of money from family can be daunting. Have I chosen the right person, spent to much, or too little, should I have waited? All valid points and let’s point out natural thoughts too.
Look through our website, we’ve tried to cover as much as we can. If we’ve missed anything then contact us, or you can use the forms we’ve set up in different sections. These will help guide you and us to creating information that relates to you, and to use the information you’ve given us more efficiently. So, get freaking typing people… we’re waiting to hear from you!!
Look forward to meeting you!!
Lots of wedding love
Nick & Michelle